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Daydream Video

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

My project is a goofy representation of co-dependent college roommates and post-grad fears, with a sprinkle of stomach issues. The timing was super hilarious because I got to film the project as my roommate was moving across the country to California, and that was also my inspiration when I realized how much I was going to miss her. The beginning is super repetitive almost to the point of being annoying, as Roommate #1 is fully incapable of identifying rotten milk time after time as the kitchen changes and the roommates change outfits. Roommate #1 facetimes her ex-roommate, asking if the milk is ok, and gives it a go in her cup of hot chocolate. What happens next is a cursed battle between she and the Milk King. My favorite part of this piece is my transition at the end, where it switches from the Milk King’s eye to Roommate #1’s. It was so rewarding to see a story I could see in my head come to life as I put more and more time into it. If I could do it again, I might’ve made the fight scene happen a little faster, and I either would’ve captioned Milk King’s voice or given it just a little less distortion. Overall, I’m thrilled with how it turned out and I found myself still laughing as we watched it. I think it was a respectable stab at a first animation project. A special thanks to Sarah for taking the time to star in my short film, record audio, and take a bunch of pictures I could animate as she was literally packing her life up!

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